Welcome to CAAos Platform’s documentation!


CAAos is an unified open source, cross-platform toolbox written in Python3 for processing and analysing cerebral autoregulation datasets from diverse clinical protocols and acquisition modalities. This is a new free software research tool that combines existing and novel methods for interactive visual inspection, batch processing and analysis of multichannel records. As open-source software, the source code is freely available for non-commercial use, reducing barriers to performing CA analysis, allowing inspection of the inner-workings of the algorithms and facilitating networked activities with common standards.


Module definitions



Include here brief description of this module

class patientData.patientData(inputFile, activeModule)[source]

Bases: object

Patient data base class

This is the base class to process cerebral autoregulation data.


File with patient’s data. Accepted files: .EXP, .DAT (Raw Data file) or .PPO (preprocessing operation file)

static getVersion()[source]

Return the current version of the module


>>> from patientData import patientData as pD
>>> myCase=pD('data.EXP')
importOperations(inputFile_PPO_ARO, elemPosition=None, runOperations=False)[source]

creates new operations Nodes. Before that cleans up any empty operators Element in the Tree.


Load header data from raw data files .exp, .dat.

This function is usually used in the begining to extract general information from the file. This function is automatically called from loadData()

Header format

The expected header format is:

Patient Name: XXXXX                                                       \ H
birthday:DD:MM:YYYY                                                       | E
Examination:DD:M:YYYY HH:MM:SS                                            | A
Sampling Rate: XXXHz                                                      | D
Time        Sample  <CH_0_label>    <CH_1_label>    ...   <CH_N_label>    | E    <- Labels: (columns separated by tabs)
HH:mm:ss:ms N       <CH_0_unit>     <CH_1_unit>     ...   <CH_N_unit>     / R    <-  Units: (columns separated by tabs)
00:00:00:00 0       0       45      ...     14.8                                      <-- table of data starts here
00:00:00:10 1       0       46      ...     16.8

This function extracts only the following fields from the header

  • Sampling Rate

  • Number of channels

  • Channel info: label and unit


  • The number of channels is stored in the attribute nChannels.

  • The sampling rate is stored in the attribute samplingRate_Hz. The value of this attribute is sent to instances of signal after calling loadData() and this attribute is removed after that

  • Channel labels and units are stored in the attribute signalLabels and signalUnits. The values of these attributes are sent to instances of signal after calling loadData() and these attributes are removed after that


>>> from patientData import patientData as pD
>>> myCase=pD('data.EXP')
>>> myCase.loadDATAfileHeader()
>>> myCase.samplingRate_Hz
>>> myCase.nChannels
>>> myCase.signalLabels
['Time', 'Sample', 'MCA_L_To_Probe_Env', 'MCA_R_To_Probe_Env', 'Analog_1', 'Analog_8']
>>> myCase.signalUnits
['HH:mm:ss:ms', 'N', 'cm/s', 'cm/s', 'mV', 'mV']

Loads patient data from raw data files .EXP, .DAT.

This function is used to load data files into memory. This function calls loadHeader() internally, so you don’t have to call it manually.


  • Each channel information is stored in one instance of signal. They are accessible via signals

  • In the end of this function, the attributes samplingRate_Hz, signalLabels and signalUnits are removed. This information is passed to the instances of signal


>>> from patientData import patientData as pD
>>> myCase=pD('data.EXP')
>>> myCase.loadEXPDAT()
>>> myCase.signals[0]
<signals.signal instance at 0x7f8744e6e710>
>>> s.signals[0].info()   # shows information of channel 0
Channel: 0
label: MCA_L_To_Probe_Env
unit: cm/s
sigType: None
nPoints: 30676
>>> myCase.signals[1].info()   # shows information of channel 1
Channel: 1
label: MCA_R_To_Probe_Env
unit: cm/s
sigType: None
nPoints: 30676
saveSIG(filePath, channelList=None, format='csv', register=True)[source]

Save data to a text file.

This function is usually used to save processed signals


Full path to the file. Extension is not needed since a .SIG will be automatically added to the end of the filename. If path has an extension, this function will replace the extension by .SIG

channelListlist of integers, optional

List of channels to save. If None (default) then all channels are saved in the file.

formatstring, optional

File format. Avaiable values: ‘csv’, ‘numpy’, ‘simple_text’


  • This function calls saveData() from each instance of signal in the list of channels.

  • See saveData() for details about the output file format.


>>> from patientData import patientData as pD
>>> myCase=pD('data.EXP')
>>> myCase.loadData()
>>> for i in range(x.nChannels):
>>>    x.signals[i].resample(100,method='quadratic') # resamples all channels at 100Hz, using quadratic interpolation
>>> myCase.signals[2].calibrate(80,120,method='percentile') # calibrates channel 2  (presure) between 80 and 120mmHg, using percentile method
>>> myCase.saveSignals(fileName='/full/path/output1.SIG',channelList=None)  # saves all channels in output1.SIG
>>> myCase.saveSignals(fileName='/full/path/output2.SIG',channelList=[0,2])  # saves only channels 0 and 2 in output2.SIG
saveB2B(filePath, channelList=None, format='csv', register=True)[source]

Save beat-to-beat data to a text file.


Full path to the file. Extension is not needed since a .B2B will be automatically added to the end of the filename. If path has an extension, this function will replace the extension by .B2B

channelListlist of integers, optional

List of channels to save. If None (default) then all channels are saved in the file.

formatstring, optional

File format. Avaiable values: ‘csv’, ‘numpy’, ‘simple_text’


  • This function will save beat-to-beat data only if Beat-to-beat analysis was performed before. See getBeat2beat().

  • This function calls saveB2B() from each instance of signal in the list of channels.

  • See saveB2B() for details about the output file format.


>>> from patientData import patientData as pD
>>> myCase=pD('data.EXP')
>>> myCase.loadData()
>>> myCase.findRRmarks(refChannel=2,method='ampd') # find RR marks with channel 2 as reference and ampd method
>>> myCase.getBeat2beat(resampleRate_Hz=5.0,resampleMethod='cubic') # extract beat-to beat data and resample at 5Hz
>>> myCase.saveBeat2beat(fileName='/full/path/output1.B2B',channelList=None)  # saves all channels in output1.SIG
saveJob(fileName, mergeImported=False)[source]

Save the history of operations applied to the file.

This functions saves all operations applied to the data, in the correct order. This allows for re-run the analysis on the same file or apply the same set of operations to different cases.


Full path to the file. If the path has an extension, this function will replace the extension by the corresponding default extension, based on :arg:`section` argument

file extension. As default: - .PPO: (Preprocessing operations) - .ARO: (Autoregulation operations)

mergeImported: bool, optional

If True, any imported opereations will be merged into de job file. Otherwise only the link to the operation file will be kept. (Default: False)

section: strings

Describes the section of the operations to save. Use oe of the following: ‘preprocessing’, ‘ARanalysis’

PPO/ARO file formats

See ppo_aro_file_format_label for details about .PPO and .ARO file formats.


>>> from patientData import patientData as pD
>>> myCase=pD('data.EXP')
>>> myCase.loadData()
>>> for i in range(x.nChannels):
>>>    x.signals[i].resample(100,method='quadratic') # resamples all channels at 100Hz, using quadratic interpolation
>>> myCase.signals[2].calibrate(80,120,method='percentile') # calibrates channel 2  (presure) between 80 and 120mmHg, using percentile method
>>> myCase.findRRmarks(refChannel=2,method='ampd') # find RR marks with channel 2 as reference and ampd method
>>> myCase.getBeat2beat(resampleRate_Hz=5.0,resampleMethod='cubic') # extract beat-to beat data and resample at 5Hz
>>> myCase.saveJob(fileName='/full/path/output1.PPO')

Apply the operations previously loaded.


This function os automatically called during the initialization __init__() if the input is a .PPO file.


Apply the operations previously loaded.


This function os automatically called during the initialization __init__() if the input is a .PPO file.

findChannel(attribute, identifier)[source]

Get channel number given its identifier of an attribute

attributestring {‘label’, ‘type’}

Attribute under consideration

identifier: string

Identifier of the channel

indexint or None.

Index of the channel or None in case of failure.


>>> from patientData import patientData as pD
>>> myCase=pD('data.EXP')
>>> myCase.loadData()
>>> print(myCase.listChannels('label'))
['MCA_L_To_Probe_Env', 'MCA_R_To_Probe_Env', 'Analog_1', 'Analog_8']
>>> print(myCase.findChannel('label','Analog_1'))
>>> print(myCase.findChannel('label','Analog_2'))

Return a list of values of the attribute from all channels

attributestring {‘label’, ‘type’}

Attribute under consideration


list containing the values of the attributes


>>> from patientData import patientData as pD
>>> myCase=pD('data.EXP')
>>> myCase.loadData()
>>> print(myCase.listChannels('label'))
['MCA_L_To_Probe_Env', 'MCA_R_To_Probe_Env', 'Analog_1', 'Analog_8']
findRRmarks(refChannel, method='ampd', findPeaks=True, findValleys=False, register=True)[source]

Find RR mark locations, given a reference signal.

This function detect RR intervals, given a channel used as reference. The marks are detected by looking for its local maxima and/or minima. RR marks locations, in samples, are stored in peakIdx and/or valleyIdx respectively.


Channel number of the signal used as reference

methodstring {‘ampd’, ‘md’}

peak detection algorithm. Default: ‘ampd’ * AMPD: Automatic Multiscale Peak Detection (AMPD) by Felix Scholkmann et al., 2012 <https://github.com/LucaCerina/ampdLib> * MD: Based on Marco Duarte’s implementation <https://github.com/demotu/BMC/blob/master/notebooks/DetectPeaks.ipynb>

findPeaksbool, optional

Detect local maxima of the signal. Default: True

findValleysbool, optional

Detect local minima of the signal. Default: False

registerbool, optional

include this operation in the list of preprocessing operations. If False then the operation will not be stored.


  • This function calls findPeaks() from each instance of signal in the list of channels.


>>> from patientData import patientData as pD
>>> myCase=pD('data.EXP')
>>> myCase.loadData()
>>> myCase.findRRmarks(refChannel=0,method='ampd',findPeaks=True,findValleys=False,register=False) # find local maxima using channel 0 as reference. Does not register the operation
>>> myCase.removeRRmarks()  # remove RRmark information
>>> myCase.findRRmarks(refChannel=2,method='ampd',findPeaks=True,findValleys=True,register=True) # find local maxima and minima using channel 2 as reference. Register the operation
insertPeak(newIdx, isPeak=True, register=True)[source]

Insert extra peak/valley mark

This function is used to insert a new RR mark to the list of peaks/valleys


indice of the new peak/valley

isPeakbool, optional

Register the new index as a peak if True (default) or valley if False.

registerbool, optional

include this operation in the list of preprocessing operations. If False then the operation will not be stored.


  • If a peak is already registered at the given newIdx, no peak is added and the function ends without any error or warning messages.


>>> from patientData import patientData as pD
>>> myCase=pD('data.EXP')
>>> myCase.loadData()
>>> myCase.findRRmarks(refChannel=2,method='ampd',findPeaks=True,findValleys=True,register=True)
>>> myCase.insertPeak(1200,isPeak=True,register=True) # add a peak at 1200
removePeak(Idx, isPeak=True, register=True)[source]

Remove a peak/valley mark

This function is used to remove RR marks from the list of peaks/valleys


indice of the peak/valley to be removed

isPeakbool, optional

Removes a peak if True (default) or valley if False.

registerbool, optional

include this operation in the list of preprocessing operations. If False then the operation will not be stored.

Note * If a peak is not registered at the given Idx, no peak is removed and the function ends without any error or warning messages.


>>> from patientData import patientData as pD
>>> myCase=pD('data.EXP')
>>> myCase.loadData()
>>> myCase.findRRmarks(refChannel=2,method='ampd',findPeaks=True,findValleys=True,register=True)
>>> myCase.insertPeak(1200,isPeak=True,register=True) # add a peak at 1200
>>> myCase.removePeak(1200,isPeak=True,register=True) # remove the peak at 1200

cleanup RR interval information


>>> from patientData import patientData as pD
>>> myCase=pD('data.EXP')
>>> myCase.loadData()
>>> myCase.findRRmarks(refChannel=0,method='ampd',findPeaks=True,findValleys=False,register=False)
>>> myCase.removeRRmarks()  # remove RRmark information
synchronizeSignals(channelList, method='correlation', ABPdelay_s=0.0, register=True)[source]

Synchronize the channels

channelListlist of integers

List of channels to synchronize. This argument is used only when method=’correlation’

methodstring {‘correlation’, ‘fixedAPB’}

synchronization method. Default: ‘correlation’


Arterial blood pressure fxed delay in seconds. This argument is used only when method=’fixedAPB’.

registerbool, optional

include this operation in the list of preprocessing operations. If False then the operation will not be stored.


  • Correlation: synchronization is based on the correlation between the channels. For each two channels, the delay is define by the index of the peak in correlation between the channels.

  • fixedABP: Only the arterial blood pressure (ABP) channel is delayed. The argument ABPdelay_s defines the delay, in seconds. This algorithms will look for the APB channel. See setType().

After the synchronization, each channel might be cropped on one or both sides to comply with the new timespan, defined by the time interval in common across all channels. See figure below.



>>> from patientData import patientData as pD
>>> myCase=pD('data.EXP')
>>> myCase.loadData()
>>> myCase.synchronizeSignals(channelList=[0,1,2],method='correlation',ABPdelay_s=0.0,register=True) # synchronize channels 0, 1 and 2, using correlation method
>>> myCase.signals[2].setType('ABP')
>>> myCase.synchronizeSignals(channelList=None,method='fixedAPB',ABPdelay_s=0.2,register=True) # synchronize ABP channel, using the fixed delay method
getBeat2beat(resampleRate_Hz=100.0, resampleMethod='linear', register=True)[source]
LPfilterBeat2beat(method='movvalueingAverage', nTaps=5, register=True)[source]
computePSDwelch(useB2B=True, overlap=0.5, segmentLength_s=100, windowType='hanning', detrend=False, filterType=None, nTapsFilter=3, register=True)[source]
savePSD(filePath, format='csv', freqRange='ALL', register=True)[source]
computeTFA(estimatorType='H1', register=True)[source]
saveTF(filePath, format='csv', freqRange='ALL', register=True)[source]
saveTFAstatistics(filePath, plotFileFormat=None, coheTreshold=False, remNegPhase=False, register=True)[source]
saveARI(filePath, plotFileFormat=None, format='csv', register=True)[source]


class signals.signal(channel, label, unit, data, samplingRate_Hz, operationsXML)[source]

Bases: object


add channel information to the element and add to the XML tree

setLabel(newLabel, register=True)[source]
setUnit(newUnit, register=True)[source]
setType(newType, register=True)[source]
findPeaks(method='ampd', findPeaks=True, findValleys=False, register=False)[source]
yLimits(method='percentile', detrend=False, segmentIndexes=None)[source]
calibrate(valMax, valMin, method='percentile', segmentIndexes=None, register=True)[source]
cropInterval(start, end, register=True, RemoveSegment=False, segmentIndexes=None)[source]
cropFromRight(nElem, register=True)[source]
cropFromLeft(nElem, register=True)[source]
resample(newSampleRate, method='linear', register=True)[source]
interpolate(start, end, method='linear', register=True)[source]
LPfilter(method='movingAverage', nTaps=5, order=3, register=True)[source]
beat2beat(beat_idx, resampleRate_Hz=100.0, resampleMethod='linear')[source]

Indices and tables