File Formats

Input data file format

To import the signals to the platform, the collected data must be written in a text file. Currently, two file formats are accepted:

  • EXP/DAT: specific to some experimental setups

  • CSV: More gereral file format.

The file formats are described below. The platform allow users to import not just CBFv, ABP and EtCO2 signals but other time dependent data according to the user’s needs.


New file formats can be included. If you have data in another format, contact us to create a file importer or converter.

EXP/DAT file

Not all information in the file is necessary. The necessary lines are informed.

Patient Name: XXXXX                                          <-- not used
birthday:DD:MM:YYYY                                          <-- not used
Examination:DD:M:YYYY HH:MM:SS                               <-- loaded, but not used
Sampling Rate: XXXHz                                         <-- necessary
Time Sample <CH_0_label> <CH_1_label> ... <CH_N_label>       <-- necessary (separate labels with one TAB)
HH:mm:ss:cs N <CH_0_unit> <CH_1_unit> ... <CH_N_unit>        <-- necessary (separate labels with one TAB)
00:00:00:00 1 0 ###1 ###1 ... ###1                           <-- necessary
00:00:00:00 N 0 ###N ###N ... ###N                           <-- necessary

Tabulated data

The tabulated data must be separated with tabs. The columns are:
  • column 1 (not used): Time instant following the format HH:mm:ss:cs. In total, this columns must have 11 characters

  • column 2 (not used): (integer) Sample number.

  • next columns: (float) channel data

Example: Dataset with 4 channels

Patient Name: XXXXXXX
Examination:00:0:0000 00:00:00
Sampling Rate: 100Hz
Time    Sample  CBFvL   CBFvR   ABP     ETCO2
HH:mm:ss:ms     N       cm/s    cm/s    mmHg    mmHg
09:46:11:26     0       108     118     53.938  20.75
09:46:11:27     1       108     118     53.044  20.30
09:46:11:28     2       108     118     51.405  19.80
09:46:11:29     3       98      116     50.809  19.65
09:46:11:30     4       97      116     50.362  19.45
09:46:11:31     5       92      111     50.064  19.15
09:46:11:32     6       68      78      49.915  19.00
09:46:11:33     7       66      70      50.511  18.70
09:46:11:34     8       65      70      50.064  18.60
09:46:11:35     9       64      69      49.617  18.30
09:46:11:36     10      64      68      49.021  18.15
09:46:11:37     11      62      68      49.021  18.35
09:46:11:38     12      59      68      49.17   18.35
09:46:11:39     13      59      68      49.617  18.20
09:46:11:40     14      59      68      49.617  18.15
09:46:11:41     15      59      68      50.064  18.05
09:46:11:42     16      59      68      49.319  17.70
09:46:11:43     17      59      106     48.425  17.65

Please see the files in the examples directory.

CSV file

The file is composed by tabulated data, separated by semicolon (;)

Sampling Rate;XXXX                                 <-- Sampling frequency in Hertz
<CH_0_label>;<CH_1_label>;...;<CH_N_label>         <-- Channel labels
<CH_0_unit>;<CH_1_unit>;...;<CH_N_unit>            <-- Channel units

The rest of the file contains the numeric values, separated with semicolon (;).

Example: Dataset with 4 channels

Sampling Rate;100.00;;

Please see the files in the examples directory.

Job files

The platform works with the concept of jobs. A job is composed by one input file containing the measurements and a sequence of operations. The job is saved in a text file (.job). The file contains a list of all operations, listed in the same order that they were applied to the data set.

The contents of a .job file is presented in the example below.


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<job version="0.2">
  <inputFile type="CSV">healthy.csv</inputFile>         <!-- input file -->
  <operations imported="False">
      <setType>                                         <!-- operation: set type of signal in channel 0 -->
      <setLabel>                                        <!-- operation: set label of signal in channel 0 -->
      <setUnit>                                         <!-- operation: set unit label of signal in channel 0 -->
      <synchronize>                                  <!-- operation: synchronize channels based on ABP fixed delay -->
      <LPfilter>                                     <!-- operation: Channel 0 lowpass filter -->
      <findRRmarks>                                     <!-- operation: R-R peak detection -->
      <B2Bcalc>                                         <!-- operation: Beat-to-beat extraction -->
      <SIGsave>                                         <!-- operation: Save processed signals -->
        <channels>[0 1 2 3]</channels>
      <B2Bsave>                                         <!-- operation: Save beat-to-beat signals -->
        <channels>[0 1 2 3]</channels>


The platform is responsible for creating the .job file. However, it is possible to edit the .job file directly in a text editor to modify the operations or reproduce the same operations in multiple input files. This might be useful, for example, to apply the same protocol to different cases or for studying the effects of changing their parameters to the same input file.